Information for
War Horse at
Theatre Royal, Norwich (Play).
I want you to do yourself proud, Joey. You go and drive those Germans back where they've come from, and then come home to me. At the outbreak of World War one, Joey, young Albert's beloved horse, is sold to the cavalry and shipped to France. he's soon caught up in enemy fire, and fate takes him on an extraordinary odyssey, serving on both sides before finding himself alone in no man's land. but Albert cannot forget Joey and, still not old enough to enlist, he embarks on a treacherous mission to find him and bring him home. Do I look like I know the latest on every effing ?orse in the war? Do I look like an effing equine expert or even an effing equestrian enthusiast? Your squadron no longer exists. That's all I know, Private. Suitable for 12yrs+
War Horse website.
Age Advisory: 10+
Rianna Ash (Joey / Topthorn head),
Alexander Ballinger (Friedrich / Allan),
Diany Bandza (Emilie / Baby Joey),
Eloise Beaumont-Wood (Baby Joey),
Ike Bennett (David Taylor / Thomas Bone),
Haydn Burke (Billy Narracott / Heine / Klebb),
Sophie Cartman (Matron Callaghan),
Jo Castleton (Rose Narracott),
Owen Dagnall (Geordie),
Alexandra Donnachie (Joey / Topthorn head),
Felicity Donnelly (Joey / Topthorn hind),
Tom Gilbey (Sergeant Fine),
Thomas Goodridge (Joey / Topthorn hind),
Karl Haynes (Ted Narracott),
Robin Hayward (Joey / Topthorn heart),
Michael Larcombe (Joey / Topthorn hind),
Matthew Lawrence (Joey / Topthorn head),
Madeleine Leslay (Paulette / Sarah Carter),
Jack Lord (Klausen),
Damian Lynch (Carter / Strauss),
Lewis McBean (Joey / Topthorn heart),
Chris Milford (Joey / Tophorn heart),
Jordan Paris (Baby Joey),
Anne-Marie Piazza (Nell Allan / Schnabel),
Tea Poldervaart (Joey / Topthorn head),
Lucy Thorburn (Jenny Bone / Annie Gilbert),
Gareth Radcliffe (Arthur Narracott / Sergeant Thunder),
Daniel Rock (Captain Stewart / Ludwig),
Tom Sturgess (Albert Narracott),
Alistair So (Vet Martin),
Simon Stanhope (Manfred),
Gun Suen (Joey / Topthorn hind),
Sally Swanson (The Singer),
Chris Williams (Lieutenant Nicholls / Dr Schewyk),
Rafe Young (Joey / Topthorn heart)
Book by:
Michael MorpurgoAdapted by:
Nick StaffordOther(s):
Tom Morris (creative development),
John Tams (songmaker)
Katie Henry,
Toby Sedgwick (movement and horse choreography),
Matthew Forbes (puppets),
Jill Green (CDG - casting)
Rae Smith,
Basil Jones (of Handspring Puppet Company - puppets / fabrication),
Adrian Kohler (of Handspring Puppet Company - puppets / fabrication),
Nicol Scott (for 59 Productions - animation and projection design),
Will Fricker (associate designer)
Adrian Sutton (additional music)
Rob CaseySound:
Christopher ShuttUKTW News/Reviews