Ashley Blaker
Ashley Blaker, the UK's only Orthodox Jewish comedian.
Archive :: production:T446420224, comedy:S01440900311, venue:V01237627258
Normal Schmormal
He has six children, three of whom have a Special Education Needs (SEN) diagnosis. Between the children there is autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, speech and language disorders, heart defects, hearing loss, mobility issues, sensory needs and gastroenterological problems. As Ashley says, 'You know you've got a lot going on when Great Ormond Street Hospital give you your own parking space.' It's certainly not what anyone would call a 'normal' household, but Ashley wouldn't want it any other way. Ashley's story is one which parents, carers and teachers of children with SEN will particularly relate to, but his heartwarming tour, like the book and radio series, will appeal to any parent who believes love and acceptance are the most important building blocks of a happy family