Rafta, Rafta...

Work:: Rafta, Rafta... (S163605216)
Based on
All in Good Time by Bill Naughton.
LATA: You can't joke about these things. It'll bring bad luck. Terrible tragedies occur when brides tempt the wrath of the gods. VINA: Maybe in Bollywood, mum, not in Oldham. The wedding feast is over and his father's dancing the bhangra, but the groom himself is busy on the net. and when it's time for bed, he's so woefully inhibited by the proximity of his parents, let alone his brother's childish pranks, that his beautiful virgin bride remains just that. six weeks later, the whole family start to panic. A hugely warm-hearted, comic tale of close-knit Indian family life in England by the author of East is East, Ayub Khan-Din.
Production:: (T0287831711)
Supported by an anonymous donor.
Listing:: L1055811771
Production details
Supported by an anonymous donor.