Waiting for Godot

Work:: Waiting for Godot (S5466)
Vladimir and Estragon are waiting. Two old men whose compulsion to wait for a visit from the indescribable Godot forces them to pass the time in the only way they can; with and for each other. Stories are told, boots are abandoned, religion is debated, memories of better days are shared - and time passes. Jokes are made, songs are sung, suicide is contemplated, the fear of being alone is overwhelming - and time passes. Chance meetings happen, arguments take place, thinking occurs, violence is advocated, hats are exchanged, friendship is venerated - and time passes. On a road with a single tree two old friends wait... and pass the time. The 1953 drama was voted the most significant play of the century by a poll undertaken by the National Theatre in 1998.
Production:: (T524776083)
Listing:: L1170053658