
A successful celebrity hairdresser in Glasgow, with her own TV show and a smart loft apartment in the Merchant City, Barbs Marshall has it all. Hasn't she? Perhaps not. For Barbs is thirty-nine. And single. And unhappy. And is becoming deafened by the ominous ticking of her biological clock . . Whilst Barbs is coming to terms with this new-found desire for a baby, her own mother Sadie wastes no time in helpfully pointing out the perils of single parenthood (and don't even mention test tubes); her oldest friend Alice suddenly reveals that she's been keeping Barbs in the dark about a Very Big Secret; and Barbs's estranged husband Davie casually mentions that he's acquired a new, much younger girlfriend. Not even Barbs's best pal, the gorgeous but camp-as-Christmas Brendan, seems able to help her deal with this onslaught of mid-life crisis. But then, out of the blue, Barbs meets Grant - attractive and thirteen years her junior - who might just be the answer to all of her problems. Aye, right. If only . . . Beautifully observed, poignant and wickedly funny, this story of one woman's search for love, companionship and motherhood amidst the bustle of contemporary life is a modern romantic comedy par excellence.
Liz LochheadWhat's On By Year ...