Work:: Aladdin (S2237)
The fabulous tale from One Thousand and One Arabian Nights.
Production:: (T0488180413)
This Christmas we're revisiting another classic. The story of a poor boy from a distant land, tricked by a sorcerer into retrieving a remarkable lamp from a magical cave... we all know this one. Or do we...? Because what if that cave was more magical than Aladdin or the sorcerer had ever imagined? What if the cave he wandered into isn't the cave he wanders out of? What if, in fact, Aladdin finds himself outside Hairy Bob's cave on a cold winter's night? A wind ravaged Marine Drive is no place for a lad in threadbare clothes and sandals. He'll need to get from Scarbosia (oh yes) back to his home, but it'll take more than a genie's three wishes - especially when he's blown the first two on hot chocolate and a Parka!
Listing:: L1532348400
The Round
Production details
This Christmas we're revisiting another classic. The story of a poor boy from a distant land, tricked by a sorcerer into retrieving a remarkable lamp from a magical cave... we all know this one. Or do we...? Because what if that cave was more magical than Aladdin or the sorcerer had ever imagined? What if the cave he wandered into isn't the cave he wanders out of? What if, in fact, Aladdin finds himself outside Hairy Bob's cave on a cold winter's night? A wind ravaged Marine Drive is no place for a lad in threadbare clothes and sandals. He'll need to get from Scarbosia (oh yes) back to his home, but it'll take more than a genie's three wishes - especially when he's blown the first two on hot chocolate and a Parka! The Round