
Ron and Yvonne are seasoned caravanners. Every weekend they head for the coast to get away from it all. Snug in their prized four-berth, theirs is the perfect pitch. But when Grant and Steph pull up alongside, the harmony of Ron's peaceful retirement is shattered and Yvonne's Gilbert and Sullivan practice is thrown horribly off key. Because Grant and Steph are the caravanners from hell. And if an Englishman's caravan is his castle, then Ron and Yvonne had better pull up the drawbridge and prepare for battle. Then strange things begin to happen. Steph starts to stoke the fires of ron's smouldering barbie and Grant sets Yvonne's heart singing a different tune. It's the start of a weekend that none of them will ever forget. A funny and touching tale of brooding sexuality and chemical toilets.
John GodberCompany:
John Godber CompanyDirector:
John Godber