This haunting version of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death follows Punchdrunk's smash-hit success, Faust, which won a Critics' Circle Award in 2006. Journey into a macabre world, explore the four corners of Battersea Arts Centre and relive its Victorian origins as Punchdrunk immerses the building in Poe's imagination.
The Masque of the Red Death is an indoor promenade performance lasting up to 3 hours, with two timed entries at 19:15 and 19:45. The production takes place at BAC, Lavender Hill, London SW11 5TN. Evening dress is optional. On Friday and Saturday nights tickets for
The Masque of the Red Death include entry into
Red Death Late Nights, an after-show party with live music and dancing.
Punchdrunk - The Masque of the Red Death website.
Katy Balfour,
Matthew Blake,
Rebecca Botten,
Adam Burton,
River Carmalt,
Meline Danielewicz,
Sarah Dowling,
Conor Doyle,
Kath Duggan,
Hector Harkness,
Jack Laskey,
Tom Lawrence,
Jane Leaney,
Maya Lubinksy,
Robert McNeill,
Raquel Meseguer,
Fernanda Prata,
Patrick Romer,
Vinicius Salles,
Terry VictorCreatives/Company
Felix BarrettChoreographer:
Maxind Doyle