Louisiana, 1963, in the immediate aftermath of the Kennedy assassination. Caroline, a black maid to a southern Jewish family, is struggling to keep afloat emotionally and economically, while the young son of her employer tries to make sense of the world following the death of his mother. A musical exploration of human relationships, love, loss and social transformation.
Sharon D Clarke (Caroline Thibodeaux),
Keisha Amponsa Banson (The Radio),
Me'sha Bryan (The Washing Machine),
Angela Caesar (The Moor),
Alex Gaumond (Stuart Gellman),
Nicola Hughes (Dotty Moffett),
Teddy Kempner (Mr Stopnick),
Beverley Klein (Grandma Gellman),
Ako Mitchell (The Dryer / The Bus),
Abiona Omonua (Emmie Thibodeaux),
Gloria Onitiri (The Radio),
Vincent Pirillo (Grandpa Gellman),
Jennifer Saayeng (The Radio),
Lauren Ward (Rose Stopnick Gellman)
Book by:
Tony KushnerLyrics:
Tony KushnerMusic:
Jeanine TesoriProducer:
Chichester Festival TheatreDirector(s):
Michael Longhurst,
Charlotte Sutton (casting director)
Fly DavisChoreographer:
Ann YeeMusical Director:
Nigel LilleyLighting:
Jack KnowlesSound:
Paul Arditti