
Spanning 40 pivotal years in American history, this epic musical follows the lives and loves of three generations aboard a show boat as it plies the Mississippi River. One of the most romantic musicals of all time, this lavish new production is directed by Daniel Evans and features classics of musical theatre including 'Make Believe', 'Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man', and the landmark 'Ol' Man River'.
Gina Beck (Magnolia),
Michael Xavier (Gaylord),
Rebecca Trehearn (Julie),
Allan Carduner (Cap'n Andy),
Lucy Briers (Parthy),
Sandra Marvin (Queenie),
Emmanuel Kojo (Joe),
Ian Carlyle (Charlie),
John Coates (Sherrif Ike Vallon),
Danny Collins (Frank Schultz),
Adam Dutton (Windy),
Akintunde Esuruoso (ensemble),
Nolan Frederick (Jake),
Bob Harms (Steve Baker),
Victoria Hinde (ensemble and Dance Captain),
Cristina Hoey (ensemble),
Linda John-Pierre (ensemble),
Linford Johnson (ensemble),
Kate Milner-Evans (Mrs O'Brien),
Maria Omakinwa (ensemble),
Ryan Pidgen (Pete Gavin ),
Kenny Thompson (ensemble),
Tosh Wanogho-Maud (Willy ),
Alex Young (Ellie May Chipley)
Jerome KernLyrics:
Oscar Hammerstein IIBook by:
Edna FerberProducer:
Sheffield TheatresDirector(s):
Daniel Evans,
Jill Green (CDG - casting director)
Lez BrotherstonChoreographer(s):
Alistair David,
Alistair DavidLighting:
David HerseyMusical Director:
David WhiteSound:
Paul Groothius