
Take a bitingly funny and deeply touching tour of modern London life with Izzy and Jonesy. With exciting jobs, great friends and even a tiny overpriced flat in Zone 2 - they've got it all. Or do they? Maybe having a baby is the one last thing that would make everything perfect. Or maybe life has other ideas... We're all busy people chasing our dreams and looking for instant gratification from the things we do - our online posts, our careers, our loves and our lovers. We're told we can anything we like, and that we have more choices than any other generation in history. Set against an instantly recognisable backdrop of eye-watering house prices, unreliable dating apps and over-friendly coffee baristas, This Little Life of Mine looks at what happens when we can't have everything that we want. World Premiere.
Greg Barnett (Raphael / Dom / Tom / Steve / Doctor),
Kate Batter (Izzy),
Caroline Deverill (Tina / Fiona / Margaret / Receptionist),
James Robinson (Jonesy)
Book by:
Michael YaleMusic:
Charlie Round-TurnerProducer:
Stage Traffic Productions Ltd (in association with Park Theatre)
Michael YaleDesign:
Zahra MansouriCostume:
Zahra MansouriChoreographer:
Tracy AllsopLighting:
Joules McCreadyOther:
Jack Henry James (video artistry)
Musical Director:
Thomas Duchan