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Outlier (Performance) production archive for QTIX code T0669267867. Details of all Outlier archived productions can be found under the QTIX code: S01748308876

Archive Listings

12 Jun 21
26 Jun 21
Bristol Old Vic
Bristol, City of Bristol
Performance Details => Venue archive


"The sky was painfully big, but our worlds were small, our lives little. So when we found each other in the muddle of it all, that feeling of belonging was addictive." Mal, Ama, Lewis and Oskar have grown up together; hedonistically charging through life in rural Devon. Living from party to party, they're railing against the stories that have been written for them as they stand at the precipice of adulthood. But all the space can be suffocating, and it's tough sometimes - feeling so low in a place so beautiful. The powerful poetics of Malaika Kegode and soaring music of Bristol band Jakabol combine in this autobiographical gig-theatre show directed by Jenny Davies. Genre-defying and emotional, Outlier explores the impact of isolation, addiction and friendship on young people in the often-forgotten places.


Malaika Kegode, Emmy Broughton (Jakobol), Joe Williams (Jakobol), Marietta Kirkbride (Jakobol), Owen Gatley (Jakobol)


Author: Malaika Kegode
Director: Jenny Davies
Music: Jakobol
Producer(s): Liz Counsell, Sophie Power (assistant), Ben Atterbury (Bristol Old Vic Ferment Producer)
Design(s): Rebecca Wood, Christopher Harrisson (Animation and Projection), Alana Ashley (Associate Designer)
Lighting: Joe Price
Other(s): Lou Platt (Artist Wellbeing), Tom Newell (Projection Consultant), Paul Blakemore (Photography), Jemma Edwards (Bristol Old Vic Production Manager), Dom Coyote (Vocal Coach)
Dramaturg: Marietta Kirkbride (Dramaturgy Support)
Stage Manager: Cassie Harrison


No UKTW or User reviews available.
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CORONAVIRUS: All venues in the UK were shut down on March 16, 2020, and the restrictions were finally lifted on July 19, 2021. It is important to mention that the UK Theatre Web archive listings (iUKTDb) from March 2020 to July 2021 might not be accurate due to the lack of information regarding rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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