
An earnest young journalist attempts to make sense of the insanity of a Vietnam-like country in this dark comedy of casual horror, lost identity and America at war with a country it doesn't understand. The protean figures of The Historical Event creates the world through which he journeys - populated by cynical newsmen and self immolating monks, feminist dictators, battle damaged G.I's, mutilated war photographers and profanity ridden motivational speakers in a play which fuses
Stones In His Pockets with
Full Metal Jacket to create a vital, comic, challenging and startlingly relevant piece of theatre. Running time approximately 2 hours.
Richard Costello,
Gerald Monaco,
Kate SissonsCreatives/Company
Amlin GrayCompany:
Whore's Oath Theatre Company (in association with Concordance)
Lewis DaviesDesign:
Alex MarkerLighting:
Alex Watson