
From the humour of the barrack room initiation, to the powerful moment in the trenches before they face almost certain death at the Somme, this startling and memorable play follows the experiences of eight volunteers serving in the 36th Ulster Division at the beginning of the First World War. They came from Derry, Coleraine, Tyrone, Enniskillen and Belfast, united by the Ulster cause and ancient instinct more than a hatred of the Germans. But only one survives, haunted years later by the ghosts and memories from his past and the burning question "Why?" Winner of many awards including The London Evening Standard Award, The Rooney Prize for Irish Literature, Harvey's Best Play Award, The Cheltenham Literary Prize and The Plays and Players Award.
Donal Gallery (Young Pyper),
Ryan Donaldson (Craig),
Jonny Holden (Crawford),
Andy Kelleher (Anderson),
Paul Kennedy (McIlwane),
Marcus Lamb (Roulston),
Chris McCurry (Moore),
Sean McGinley (Old Pyper),
Iarla MGowan (Millen)
Frank McGuinnessProducer(s):
Liverpool Everymann & Playhouse,
Abbey Theatre Dublin,
Citizens Theatre Glasgow,
Jeremy HerrinDesign:
Ciaran BagnallCostume:
Niamh LunnyLighting:
Paul KeoganSound:
Emma LaxtonMusic:
Stephen Warbeck