
Shaw's dramatisation of a Cockney flower girl's metamorphosis into a lady is not only a delightful fantasy but also has much to say about social class, money, spiritual freedom and womens' independence. Its combination of ideas and social comment, together with its rich comic characterization, make it one of the most enduring and entertaining of English comedies. Henry Higgins, Professor of Linguistics and confirmed bachelor, wagers that within six months he will transform flower seller, Eliza Doolittle, into a lady who can take her place in high society. Shaw's masterpiece is both brilliantly funny and a devastating critique of the English class system. This play formed the basis of "My Fair Lady".
Philip Bretherton (Henry Higgins),
Hedydd Dylan (Eliza Doolittle),
Robert Blythe (Colonel Pickering,
John Cording (Alfred Doolittle)
George Bernard-ShawProducer:
Clwyd Theatr CymruDirector:
Terry HandsDesign:
Mark BaileyMusic:
Colin Towns