
An Englishman Abroad, actress Coral Browne receives an intoxicated visitor to her dressing room in a Moscow theatre. He's a familiar, upper-class Englishman - the disgraced double-agent Guy Burgess. Invited to dine at his flat, she is given one simple instruction - 'bring a tape measure'.
A Question of Attribution follows Anthony Blunt, esteemed art historian and Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures. A chance encounter with the Queen leads to a sharp exchange of wits, but will he reveal to her what would later be revealed to the world - that the man who worked in the heart of her household was also a Soviet spy?
Brigit Forsyth (Coral Brown and Her Majesty the Queen),
Edward Petherbridge (Anthony Blunt),
George Costigan (Guy Burgess),
Ben Crow (Colin),
David Fredrickson (Shop Assistant / Restorer),
Rufus Wright (Tolya / Phillips)
Alan BennettDirector:
Alan DossorDesign:
Julian McGowanLighting:
Mark PritchardSound:
Rob TiceMusic:
Richard Taylor