Rick Astley
At the age of 21, Rick Astley emerged from the shadows of the Stock, Aitken and Waterman production house as their former tea boy became one of the biggest stars on the planet. His era-defining classic ?Never Gonna Give You Up' topped charts the world over and catapulted the young Lancastrian on a journey that would encompass 8 consecutive UK Top 10 hits and 40 million sales.
Archive :: production:T447834451, concert:S570278775, venue:V01046927861
Current production:Work
Are We There Yet? Tour
It's been 36 years since he first shot to fame, yet Rick Astley is now arguably a more prominent force in popular culture than he ever was. The endearingly boyish 57-year-old is still winning over new fans, whether he's performing with Foo Fighters, Take That or Blossoms; becoming an unlikely social media sensation; or simply embracing the unending love that greets his era-defining smash ‘Never Gonna Give You Up' which was boosted by its use in an intensely affecting scene in ‘Ted Lasso'. Indeed, since returning to #1 in 2016 with ‘50', Rick has enjoyed the strongest run of album chart positions of his entire career.