Mother Goose
Traditional British pantomime about a woman whose greed gets the better of her.
Archive :: production:T455121984, panto:S5927, venue:V309
Current production:Work
Production details
10th Anniversary. Once upon a time there lived a kindly storyteller called Mother Goose. She lived in Hackneytopia with her son Billy and all the other fairytale folk. One fateful day two magical sisters, Charity (the good one) and Vanity (the evil one) decide to find out who is the most powerful witch… and so our tale begins… Charity sends poor Mother Goose a magical golden-egg-laying goose called Princess Priscilla. Suddenly Mother Goose is richer than she ever thought possible, her home is safe and her family is happy. But is this enough? What happens when all you wish for is offered to you on a plate? Could Vanity tempt her to turn against everyone she loves to gain her hearts desire? Will she give away the prized goose she has grown to love… for beauty?