Snow White and the Seven Drag Queens
Work:: Snow White and the Seven Drag Queens (S1211939381)
Adult panto. Locked inside her magic chamber, an Evil Queen keeps a watchful eye over her beautiful step-daughter Snow White who has just turned eighteen. When the Queen's faithful mucky-mouthed Mirror, informs her she no longer is the fairest-of-them all, she concocts her malevolent plan - to take Snow White deep into the Doggers Wood, and make sure she is never seen again. Snow White escapes, and stumbles upon a Cottage, where she is kidnapped by a gang of girls that time forgot - not the Spice Girls - but seven fabulous Drag Queens - Itchy, Bitchy, Tipsy, Tiny, Horny, Windy and Pot. They decide to adopt her and make her their new drag project. Their party is interrupted when a knock at the door reveals a mysterious lost hag. Will they buy something from her Avon catalogue, or can she persuade Snow White to try an apple shot - it is her birthday after all? Snow White and her Drag sisters overindulge and soon find themselves trapped in a deathly sleep. Will the Wicked Queen get to wear her crown forever or has she overlooked the wandering Prince Albert who is looking for his own happy ending in the woods?
Production:: (T0463664629)
Listing:: L853261689