Celebrity Night At Cafe Red

Work:: Celebrity Night At Cafe Red (S02143841563)
Saturday Night at Cafe Red, the Frenchest chain restaurant in town - with strings of onions, checked tablecloths, and candles in wine bottles to prove it. But this is a night of change, of fresh ideas - visiting Celebrity Chef Extraordinaire Roly Ryan is in the kitchen whisking up trouble. How can he know his diners have also brought their own unusual ingredients to the table? An evening of love, of awkwardness, danger and mime.
Production:: (T2013171778)
The play features a fiercely talented young cast of 11, and a French mime. Running time: 1hr 10mins
Listing:: L1777052992
Production details
The play features a fiercely talented young cast of 11, and a French mime. Running time: 1hr 10mins