Dear Billy - A Love Letter to the Big Yin
There's a guy. You know him. You know... big hair, wee beard, glasses, talks like that. You know? You know. The guy... The Big Yin. Billy Connolly needs no introduction. He is a national treasure. From the shipyards of the Clydeside to his trailblazing and extraordinary stage and movie exploits, he is woven into Scottish culture. Everyone has a Billy Story.
Archive :: production:T01601062757, play:S753239362, venue:V640
From the People of Scotland
An expert team of story gatherers has created a collection of these moving and hilarious tales. Gary McNair, one of Scotland's best theatre makers, has turned these stories into a special show celebrating the Big Yin and what he means to us. Gary is hitting the road with a band, collecting more stories as they go, making every show different. Each one a unique chance to laugh, sing, and celebrate the man and the legend.