Dear Scotland
Dear Scotland... offers audiences a unique promenade through the Scottish National Portrait Gallery's cast of heroes, villains, rogues and royals. Inspired - or provoked - by twenty of the collection's celebrated artworks, twenty of the country's leading writers will pen short, sharp monologues for a series of pit-stop performances around the gallery. This dramatic celebration of the written word and visual art launches a series of events and performances under the title Dear Scotland?, all of which will come together to act as a letter to the country and an exploration of Scotland's identity in 2014. The Scottish National Portrait Gallery, including the national collection of photography, follows Scotland's history from the sixteenth century to the present day, as filtered through the portraits of those who shaped it. The collection features Scots from all walks of life. Scottish characters featured in the Gallery and who will also appear in the show include Mary Queen of Scots, Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Jimmy Reid and Muriel Spark.
Archive :: production:T1863532144, play:S01984047989, venue:V1233
Production details
Running time: approx. 90mins. Age: Recommended 12+. This is a promenade guided performance located throughout the 3 floors of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. This event takes place at Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen St. Edinburgh EH2 1JD