Mercy is a dark comedy with a spiritual twist, centring on a headstrong matriarch of a Persian family and her unyielding decision to break tradition. The story unfolds in non-linear fashion and is told through the prism of an end-of-life decision, bringing into question the very nature of the soul. Amireh, the headstrong matriarch of a British-Iranian family is given only months to live. With the assistance of an idealistic psychiatrist and newfound spirituality, she designs her own "death ceremony" involving the hallucinogenic drug DMT. Her traditional Persian husband, Sol, in denial of his wife's fate, finds this screw-ball venture preposterous. A bitter quarrel results in Amireh leaving him. Days after, Sol reports his wife missing, seeking the help of his son Danny. The fragmented family is thrust on an offbeat spiritual journey, concluding in bitter-sweet reunion, celebrating life.
Archive :: production:T968008378, play:S1120088637, venue:V1142