Privates on Parade

Work:: Privates on Parade (S4668)
Malaya 1948 and the British Army is fighting communism. One of its secret weapons is the bawdy humour and musical revue of the Song and Dance Unit South East Asia - better known as SADUSEA. Join Captain Terri Dennis as he attempts to create a sparkling show, despite being landed with a bunch of wet behind the ears recruits who can't tell a tap step from a tea cup. Under the increasingly deranged eye of a Sergeant Major convinced that Christianity can overcome Communism, can new boy Steven Flowers keep his nerve, and lose his virginity, before the final curtain? Based on playwright Nichols' own experiences entertaining the troops during his national service with Kenneth Williams and Stanley Baxter, Privates On Parade is a portrait of a forgotten struggle and an affectionate musical tribute to the British Army entertainment corps. Expect strong language, song, dance and comedy.
Production:: (T1016769173)
Listing:: L2111137124