Ramona Tells Jim

Work:: Ramona Tells Jim (S670339732)
In 1998, Ramona, of Englandshire, has a penchant for Enya and hates bananas. On her geography field trip she meets Jim, a local laddie wearing an anti-pill fleece. He's obsessed with hermit crabs, rock erosion and making homemade Irn-Bru cocktails. Deep in the Scottish Highlands, Ramona falls for Jimmy's awkward charm but gets caught in a scandal that will haunt her for years to come. Fast forward fifteen years and Jim, of the shittest village in Scotland, has got a girlfriend and something like a functional life. But Ramona still can't shake the consequences of that fateful trip. Determined to clear her conscience, she heads back to the Highlands to find that neither her nor Jim's lives have turned out how they had planned.
Production:: (T02102477819)
World Premiere
Listing:: L921801663
Production details
World Premiere Studio