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UKTW - 30 years online


VenueTheatre Royal
CountyEast Sussex
From18th October 2011
To22nd October 2011
When19:45. Thu, Sat Mats 14:30
PricesFrom £15.00. To £25.00.
Theatre Royal (V657)
Current/Future Listings
Listings Archive

Production Changes

Previous details associated with this item and date of change.
  • Date of change: 27 Jun 11 - T457496588



Work:: Tartuffe (S5200)

The religious hypocrite Tartuffe has wormed his way into the once ordered household and vulnerable heart of substantial merchant Orgon. Under the guise of piety, he looks set to succeed in driving away the son, marrying the daughter, seducing the wife, imprisoning Orgon and leaving the family destitute. Railed against as a sacrilegious outrage by the Church, the play was banned from public performance by Louis XIV in 1664.
Author Moliere

Production:: (T457496588)

Age 12+
Company English Touring Theatre ETT
Adapted by Roger McGough
Director Gemma Bodinez
Design Ruari Murchison
Sound Fergus O'Hare
Lighting Colin Grenfell
Costume Jacquie Davies
Music Conor Linehan
Performer Joseph Alessi (Orgon)
Performer Eithne Browne (Madame Pernelle)
Performer Simon Coates (Cleante)
Performer Annabelle Dowler (Dorine)
Performer Rebecca Lacy (Elmire)
Performer Emily Pithon (Mariane)
Performer Alan Stocks (Loyal / Officer)

Listing:: L1425416984

Current production:Work

Production details

Age 12+


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CORONAVIRUS: All venues in the UK were shut down on March 16, 2020, and the restrictions were finally lifted on July 19, 2021. It is important to mention that the UK Theatre Web archive listings (iUKTDb) from March 2020 to July 2021 might not be accurate due to the lack of information regarding rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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