The Plough and the Stars
Work:: The Plough and the Stars (S2092809277)
This four act play set in war-torn Dublin in 1916 portrays the needs and aspirations of a group of neighbours in a timeless story containing elements of both tragedy and humour. The characters are both loveable and at times, irritating. Uncle Peter, who appears resolutely stuck in the past and at war with himself and those around him, sees Covey, a young man seeking to move forward, as his tormentor. Nora a young wife desperately tries to persuade her husband not to go to war, while Fluther Good weaves a seam of goodness throughout the play. People of different religious persuasions rub shoulders, and loyalties are frequently stretched as the story moves towards an ending full of pathos: prejudices are never far away in this tight knit community.
Production:: (T0)
Listing:: L0347125906