
At the height of eighteenth century London, the truth is a rare commodity. Rumour, gossip and backbiting abound in Richard Sheridan's classic, The School for Scandal. In the elegant salons of the upper classes, a tight-knit web of glamorous socialites, led by the incorrigible Lady Sneerwell, enjoy everything from a quiet game of Piquet to an outrageously fabricated character assassination. When the wealthy Sir Oliver returns to select which of his wayward nephews is to become his heir, he is unwittingly plunged into this dissolute world, where morality takes second place to double-crossing, intrigue and downright skulduggery. With a gabble of busy-bodies interfering in his task - the vivacious Lady Teazle, the lovable Sir Peter and the amorous Backbite - will Sir Oliver discover which of his nephews is worthy to be his heir, or will he be deceived by cleverly constructed appearances?
Stefan Adegbola (Joseph Surface),
Jessica Alade (Lappet),
Omar Bynon (Careless),
John Dougall (Rowley),
Riess Fennell (Bill),
Siubhan Harrison (Lady Sneerwell),
Emily Houghton (Mrs Candour),
Wil Johnson (Sir Oliver Surface),
Yasemin Junqueira (Moppet),
John Leader (Charles Surface),
David Mara (Trip),
MadeoMartinez (Snake),
Shazia Nicholls (Morehouse),
Yasemin Ozdemir (Maria),
David Partridge (Sir Harry Bumper),
Geoffrey Streatfeild (Sir Peter Teazle),
Jason Thorpe (Crabtree),
Tara Tijani (Lady Teazle),
Patrick Walshe McBride (Sir Benjamin Backbite)
Richard SheridanCompany:
Royal Shakespeare CompanyDirector(s):
Tinuke Craig,
Ingrid Mackinnon (movement),
Matthew Dewsbury (CDG - casting),
Ellie Hurt (assistant)
Alex Lowde,
Ravi Deepres (video),
Luke Unsworth (associate video designer)
Oliver FenwickMusic:
D J WaldeSound:
Max PappenheimDramaturg:
Jude ChristianMusical Director:
Ellie VerkerkOther:
Nia Lynn (voice and text)