
Join Grainne O'Malley; pirate, chieftain and Irish queen of the seas, as she sets sail on her greatest adventure yet. Her family are prisoners, held in the dark dungeons of Dublin Castle by the evil Sir Richard Bingham. To save their lives she must embark for London, overcoming storms, buccaneers, and mutiny, before finally facing her implacable foe; England's Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I. Based on the true story of Ireland's legendary 16th century heroine, this voyage is for anyone who has dreamed of an ocean adventure. Come dance a jig, sing a sea shanty and live the life of a sea queen.
Tim Bowie,
George Caporn,
Melanie Gleeson,
Acushla-Tara Kupe,
Veronica Beatrice Lewis,
Heidi Lynch,
Stephanie MacGaraidh,
Lorenzo Martelli,
Itoya Osagiede,
Feyesa WakjiraCreatives/Company
Daniel WinderProducer:
Gods and Monsters (in association with Iris Theatre)
Rae McKenDesign:
Mayou TrikeriotiCostume:
Mayou TrikeriotiSound:
Matthew Bugg