The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek
In a small town, somewhere in America, a girl and a boy are playing dare. They're running the Trestle at Pope Lick Creek: racing the train, beating the clock. He's Dalton Chance, fifteen years old and an open book. She's Pace Creagan, seventeen, brimful of adventure, fearless and feared. To Dalton she's irresistible: a curiosity and an outsider. To Pace, he's a challenge even greater than the train. But Dalton and Pace live in a desperate world of betrayed promises. Dalton's family struggles to secure a future, which looks increasingly bleak. Pace's strange ways provoke mistrust, and stir suspicion that she's responsible for the town's greatest tragedy.
Archive :: production:T0322130097, play:S01872993602, venue:V491
Production details