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What can I embed?

You can embed current and future listings for venues, tours and "plays" by selecting the appropriate QTIX code from the display pages. 

The content displayed remains the property and copyright of Dynamic Listing Ltd and may not be extracted for use other than as provided, nor may it be stored externally to our own site. You are limited to 10 embeds per website.  All information is provided in good faith. 

Embed Information

Why not embed information from our website into your own website?


Embed Venue Info

The following is an example

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This is the Royal Albert hall. The QTIX code, in this case V221, should be replaced by the code of the venue that you want to display (found on the venue page on UKTW or the tour URL).

Embed Show/Tour Info

The following is an example

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This is the 2015 Chas 'n' Dave tour.  The QTIX code, in this case T840582495, should be replaced by the code of the tour that you want to display (found on the tour page on UKTW or the tour URL).

Embed Styles

Want to restyle the way these lists look? Well, there are classes attached to most things to let you do just that.

Firstly, the whole returned piece is wrapped in a <div class="uktw"></div> then the heading is a <h2 class="uktwtitle"></h2>.

Within that, a list is given in an <ul> for example

  <ul>  <li><span class="uktwdates">27 Nov 15</span>:   <a href="" target="uktw" class="uktwvenue">Sub89, Reading</a></li>   </ul>

If there is no output, e.g. because the tour has ended. then nothing is returned ...


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