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We're Not Going BackWe're Not Going Back is about the 1984/85 miners' strike. More or less. But in this hard-hitting musical comedy there are no miners. Instead, we follow the fortunes of three sisters - Olive, Mary and Isabel - hit hard by the Government's war against the miners and determined to set up a branch of Women Against Pit Closures. It's February1984, and as the rumour mill stirs with developments of impending pit closures, the coal miners' unions are drawn into a battle of attrition against an unbending government. Forced into poverty, miners and their families become part of a strike that will resonate through the coming decades. But for many people, the war fought between politicians, police and pickets took a back seat to the fight to hold together families, friendships and community - fought on the battleground of living room and soup kitchen, meeting hall and social club. It was a battle fought with laughter and songs, with knees-ups, punch-ups and piss-ups. With music, comedy and grit, the three sisters embrace the values of the '84 strike and underline the empowerment; determination and vulnerability those communities were faced with in this war.


Author: Boff Whalley

UKTW Historical Archive

We're Not Going Back archive with 17 listings from Wednesday, 9th July 2014 to Friday, 15th March 2024.

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We're Not Going Back

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Wed, 10th July
We're Not Going Back tickets at Queen's Hall Arts Centre, Hexham».

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