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Hip-Nosis archiveSo what can you say about an entertainer who puts some of his audience members to SLEEP? If his name is ACARI - A Lot!!. This charismatic performer will have you in hysterics from watching him put his volunteers through the paces during his Hypnotic Comedy Show, ACARI invite's members of the audience who wish to volunteer to come and join him on the stage. He then proceeds to hypnotize them, giving instructions on what he wants them to do. After several of these exercises, he weeds out those participants who are either faking it or not responding. Then the real fun begins, with the volunteers' reactions to Acari's suggestions becoming more and more hilarious. At one point all the volunteers seated onstage Thought they were Ballet Dancers (members of the Russian ballet) doing Swan Lake. Later they act as if they are Jockeys in the Grand National. During the show they become convinced they hear their favourite song from what they believe to be a radio (their shoe in reality) and sing it to the audience. Then they believe their shoe is a Mobile Phone trying to speak to someone. Acari is without doubt, a master hypnotist who is making hypnosis hip. So hip, that people are being turned away every night he performs one of his Shows. He is a master of his craft. Like a surgeon, Acari skilfully operates on your psychic, fears and funny bone with the power of suggestion. Acari's 9 years of experience have taken him around the world as well as making him one of the most sought after hypnotists and entertainers.

Archive listings for Hip-Nosis

Work type: Cabaret.

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22 Jun 12Old Joint Stock Theatre, Birmingham :: V0812942011
listing details L1142346532


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CORONAVIRUS: All UK venues closed on 16th March 2020, restrictions were lifted on 19th July 2021. Please note that iUKTDb archive listings between March 2020 and July 2021 may not be accurate as we did not receive details of all rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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