Beowulf: The Blockbuster

Work:: Beowulf: The Blockbuster (S1565281683)
A father's final chance to connect with his son. A boy with a film soaked imagination. A cinematic journey through an ancient tale, brought to vivid life in this one-man stage phenomenon. Featuring Spielbergian monsters and the original superhero; this is physical, comic and vibrant theatre from one of Ireland's most skilled performers. Hit of the Dublin Fringe Festival 2013, Beowulf was hailed as an instant classic.
Production:: (T01176783656)
Duration: 1hr 10mins. Suitability: 14+
Listing:: L01191067366
Fringe Festival. Pleasance Courtyard
Production details
Duration: 1hr 10mins. Suitability: 14+ Fringe Festival. Pleasance Courtyard