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VenueNew End Theatre
TownInner London
CountyGreater London
From22nd April 1999
To16th May 1999
What is currently on at New End Theatre (V215)

The Cuckoo and the Nightingale

'The Cuckoo and the Nightingale' is about Rudolph Hess, Hitler's Deputy Fuhrer during the infamous 'glory' days of the Third Reich. However, it is not strictly about the war years but about the man..the man who spent the last 41 years of his life in prison. The play probes into Hess's life, exploring his obsession with Marlene Dietrich and his relationships..not only with Hitler, but more significantly with the much younger American Captain Morgan, his guard for the last 21 years of his life. Morgan's personal quest was for the truth of Hess's secret - the truth of which may never be discovered. A complex character, Hess was a man who seemed unable to divorce illusion from reality, right from wrong and good from evil. Morgan cajoled and commanded his prisoner but Hess was a skilled manipulator and Morgan became his unwitting accomplice - it was a delicate situation and only one of them could survive.
Design Don Hood

Archive :: production:T0864016943, play:S1209904912, venue:V215


No UKTW or User reviews available.


Company Showcase
Director Paul Jerricho
Performer Chris Matthews
Performer Nigel D Hoyle
CORONAVIRUS: All UK venues closed on 16th March 2020, restrictions were lifted on 19th July 2021. Please note that iUKTDb archive listings between March 2020 and July 2021 may not be accurate as we did not receive details of all rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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