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Billy Blister's Circus archiveBilly Blister's circus is the best in the land. Playing to capacity audiences, the crowds 'oooh and ahhhh' to the most acrobatic, mind bending and death defying acts they have ever witnessed. But all is not as it seems... As the audiences leave to tell all their friends, Billy Blister's 'hypnotron' device spins to a standstill, the lush backdrop of the magnificent big top turns to shabby cloth, and the world class performers turn into an untalented, dysfunctional bunch of misfits. Using a hypnosis machine to secretly mesemerise the audience into thinking they've had the time of their lives, ringmaster Billy Blister is resigned to be forever trapped in the bizarre world he has created. That is, until a passionate young audience member called Danny steps forward to join the circus.. Discovering the secret behind Blister's success, Danny convinces Billy that he doesn't need to use the hypnotron device to fool his audience, and that with the right guidance, his shambolic performers are in fact capable of putting on a truly great show. But the circus soon comes under attack from the evil Baron Badfoot, and Danny's enthusiasm alone is not enough to counter the attempts of most powerful man in the world to replace Blister's troupe with a futuristic 'RoboCircus'. In desperation, Danny looks once more to the spellbinding power of the hypnotron to save the day…


Author: James McAuley

Archive listings for Billy Blister's Circus

Work type: Play.


Producer Martin Renshaw. Company Inspiral Arts. Lighting Sam Campbell. Music James Harrison. Music Dave Smale.
6 Jun 09Watford Palace Theatre, Watford :: V55
listing details L0454622890


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CORONAVIRUS: All UK venues closed on 16th March 2020, restrictions were lifted on 19th July 2021. Please note that iUKTDb archive listings between March 2020 and July 2021 may not be accurate as we did not receive details of all rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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