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Fifth Column archiveFind secret packages, decipher code, follow enemy spies and uncover hidden treasures as London becomes a digital playground in this theatrical adventure across the South Bank. A fifth column: a clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation's solidarity by any means at their disposal. Fifth column activists exploit the fears of a people by spreading rumours and misinformation alongside espionage and sabotage operations. Fifth Column explores the theatrical potential of augmented reality, near field communication and geocaching (using GPS to locate hidden packages), creating an invisible war where technology is a weapon as audiences seek hidden doors, crack codes and hack enemy systems. Players conduct surveillance on other players as they embark on a race across London to uncover the truth behind the ambiguous Emergency Treasury Fund. This two-part performance transforms London as we know it, taking the form of expeditions on the city's streets followed by a performance in the Hacker's Lair. The audience's actions in the first section decide the story of the second, and further interaction there decides the end. Firing up competition between players, this is a show about discovery and the excitement and advantage of knowing something that someone else doesn't.


Author: Bertie Watkins

Archive listings for Fifth Column

Work type: Play.


Find secret packages, decipher code, follow enemy spies and uncover hidden treasures as London becomes a digital playground in this theatrical adventure across the South Bank. Start: SECRET LOCATION SE1. [TO BE EMAILED TO AUDIENCE MEMBERS ABOUT A WEEK BEFORE THE SHOW] Meet at the Stone Circle outside the National Theatre | End: SECRET. Running time:180mins (in two parts). Suitable for over 13s. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.Presented byCoLab. Director Bertie Watkins. Producer Alexander Patrick Murphy. Design Anna Reid. Costume Anna Reid. Director Daniel James Thompson (assistant).
18 Sep 14 to 16 Nov 14General, Outer London :: V1087
listing details L37928430


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CORONAVIRUS: All UK venues closed on 16th March 2020, restrictions were lifted on 19th July 2021. Please note that iUKTDb archive listings between March 2020 and July 2021 may not be accurate as we did not receive details of all rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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