
The play is set in pre-independence colonial Africa. An American journalist arrives at a mission hospital run by European settlers; in the nearby village, a young man breaks his travels in Europe and America to return for his father's funeral. Both find themselves together with families and neighbours, drawn into deepening crisis as the struggle for independence touches the lives of villagers and settlers alike.
Les Blancs is an epic drama about individuals caught in the maelstrom of change, facing painful choices in their struggle for freedom.
Sheila Atim,
Gary Beadle,
Sidney Cole,
Elliot Cowan,
James Fleet,
Clive Francis,
Daniel Francis-Swaby,
Tunji Kasim,
Paul Lavers,
Katie Lightfoot,
Anna Madeley,
anna-Maria Nabirye,
Roger Jean Nsengiyumva,
Sian Phillips,
Cameron Robertson,
Danny Sapani,
Mark Theodore,
Karren WinchesterCreatives/Company
Lorraine HansberryCorporate Sponsor:
National TheatreAdapted by:
Robert Nemiroff (final text adaption)
Yael Farber,
Mark Maughan (staff director)
Soutra GilmourLighting:
Tim LutkinMusic:
Adam CorkSound:
Adam CorkChoreographer:
Imogen KnightOther(s):
Jeannette Nelson (company voice work),
Cathleen McCarron (company voice work)
Drew Lichtenberg