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The Cleansing of Constance Brown archiveConstance Brown has lived through different countries and ages, as ruler and servant, a legend and code word. Her cleansing has been religious, psychic and a medical imperative; it has been a domestic chore, a personal ablution, a fragment of a genocide. The figure of Constance acts as a starting point for this new work from Stan's Cafe. Action slips in and out of a fifteen-metre-long, especially constructed corridor, which the audience views from one end. Evocative images and soundscapes haunt the space, conjuring visions of what is taking place behind the corridor doors. These timeless episodes pinpoint separate moments and worlds, exploring the dynamics of power. Expect a beautiful, charged piece of visual theatre full of ghost like figures and intense filmic perspectives, where the walls aren't stable and the floor shifts beneath your feet. World premiere


Company: Stan's Cafe

The Cleansing of Constance Brown

The Cleansing of Constance Brown (Play) production archive for QTIX code T01749975741. Details of all The Cleansing of Constance Brown archived productions can be found under the QTIX code: S846048650

Archive Listings

22 May 07
26 May 07
Warwick Arts Centre
Coventry, West Midlands
Performance Details => Venue archive


No UKTW or User reviews available.
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CORONAVIRUS: All venues in the UK were shut down on March 16, 2020, and the restrictions were finally lifted on July 19, 2021. It is important to mention that the UK Theatre Web archive listings (iUKTDb) from March 2020 to July 2021 might not be accurate due to the lack of information regarding rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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