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She's Done it Again archiveIf it's laughter you're after...Take a gambler with debts and a pregnant wife. Take a parson with a pregnant wife who has mislaid church money. Take a bookie, also with a pregnant wife, who is about to collect the gambler's debts. Put them all together, and the result is five babies and a fortune in money - or not - as the case may be! A fast and furiously funny frolic.


Author: Michael Pertwee
Company: Redbridge Statge Company

She's Done it Again

She's Done it Again (Play) production archive for QTIX code T1222555284. Details of all She's Done it Again archived productions can be found under the QTIX code: S4949

Archive Listings

13 Mar 03
15 Mar 03
Kenneth More Theatre
Outer London, Greater London
Performance Details => Venue archive


No UKTW or User reviews available.
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CORONAVIRUS: All venues in the UK were shut down on March 16, 2020, and the restrictions were finally lifted on July 19, 2021. It is important to mention that the UK Theatre Web archive listings (iUKTDb) from March 2020 to July 2021 might not be accurate due to the lack of information regarding rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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