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National Youth Choir of Great Britain archiveThe sound a piece of choral music makes is an almost magical mix of scientific processes: the colour of vocal timbres and vowel spectrum, the composer's harmonic choices and a venue's acoustics. Can any composer know exactly what their music will sound like, or is it partly alchemy? Join the brilliant young voices of NYCGB in a programme of discovery, from the Renaissance to new works, including music by BAFTA-winning composer and co-founder of cult gaming company The Chinese Room, Jessica Curry, and film composer Benji Merrison, who scored Sir David Attenborough's BBC1 series Dynasties. You will even have the chance to learn which one of the composers featured actually practised alchemy!


Conductor: Robert Hollingworth

National Youth Choir of Great Britain

National Youth Choir of Great Britain (Concert) production archive for QTIX code T313448519. Details of all National Youth Choir of Great Britain archived productions can be found under the QTIX code: S061490402

Archive Listings

13 Aug 19Snape Maltings Concert Hall
Aldeburgh, Suffolk
Performance Details => Venue archive


No UKTW or User reviews available.
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CORONAVIRUS: All venues in the UK were shut down on March 16, 2020, and the restrictions were finally lifted on July 19, 2021. It is important to mention that the UK Theatre Web archive listings (iUKTDb) from March 2020 to July 2021 might not be accurate due to the lack of information regarding rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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