
London's longest running theatre magic show. The brilliant and popular family friendly magic show returns in May in its regular residency at The Leicester Square Theatre, bringing you some of the most exciting names in magic and variety with illusions, dangerous knife juggling and comedy magic. Oliver Tabor, award winning magician performs his extraordinary and grand illusions, where objects change form and shape in his hands and might leave you wondering whether reality really can be bent and manipulated in this mans hands. Sean Heydon presents illusions and stunts that are hilarious whilst Mat Riccardo, comedy Juggler extraordinaire, juggles, throws and plays with objects that ought not to be juggled, thrown or, under any circumstance, played with! Mat will also be pulling a cloth from a fully laden table and replacing it AND NOTHING WILL MOVE! All compered by Tommy Cooperesque Christian Lee.
Oliver Tabor,
Sean Heydon,
Tommy Cooperesque Christian Lee (compere)