Lost Dog formed in 2004, their first work Pave up Paradise Burgos won first prize at the International Choreographic competition and second prize at the prestigious Hanover choreographic festival. Since then they have created and toured four full length dance theatre works in the UK and Europe to critical acclaim. A man finds an unconscious woman on a beach and wonders whether to help her or step over her. In his hesitation the moment of decision unravels. What was, what could have been and what should have been twist into a single memory. A visual, theatrical and physical tale of what almost happened. Lost Dog Dance - The Drowner website.
Ben Duke, Raquel Meseguer, Jim de Zoete
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CORONAVIRUS: All venues in the UK were shut down on March 16, 2020, and the restrictions were finally lifted on July 19, 2021. It is important to mention that the UK Theatre Web archive listings (iUKTDb) from March 2020 to July 2021 might not be accurate due to the lack of information regarding rescheduled and cancelled shows.