
A fading Hollywood legend ravaged by the bitterness of failure and despair. Fleeing the disastrous premiere of her comeback film, Alexandra Del Lago travels incognito as The Princess Kosmonopolis seeking refuge in drink, drugs and the arms of Chance Wayne, an idealistic young dreamer turned gigiolo and hellbent on achieving his own movie stardom. A trip to Chance's hometown in a bid to win back his childhood sweetheart sees their relationship of convenience unravel
Alan Turkington,
Kim Gerard,
Irene Macdougall,
Nathan Stewart-Jarrett,
Iain Grieve,
John Buick,
Keith Fleming,
Anne Kidd,
Robert Paterson,
Cameron Mowat,
Emily Winter,
Kevin Lennon,
Ewan DonaldCreatives/Company
Tennessee WilliamsProducer:
Dundee Rep EnsembleDirector:
James BriningDesign:
Philip WitcombeLighting:
Jeanine DaviesSound:
Anthea Haddow