Greg Dyke, controversial former BBC Director-General, takes to the stage in the Royal Festival Hall on Wednesday 22 September. He will talk about his life in the media, his new memoir Inside Story (published 20 September) and the events that led up to the major conflict between the Government and the BBC, following the Hutton Inquiry. This will be the first opportunity for members of the public to put their questions to this influential figure. Greg Dyke was Director General of the BBC from January 2000 until his high profile resignation on January 28 this year. His ebullient leadership style and commitment to improving programmes and increasing the cultural diversity of the corporation's work force, vastly improved staff morale. When he made his public announcement 1,000 employees at the White City headquarters walked out in protest at the resignation and the handling of the affair. Born in 1947 Greg Dyke was educated at Hayes Grammar School and read politics at York University. After an early career as a journalist, he started in broadcasting at London Weekend Television in 1977. He also guided the consortium which created Channel 5 and became its first chairman. The event is chaired by journalist and presenter, Jon Snow - the face of Channel 4 News since 1989. Jon Snow will interview Greg Dyke live on stage. His range of international interviewees extends from Nelson Mandela to Arundhati Roy, Tony Blair to Monica Lewinsky.
Jon Snow