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Search 'BYTe' details

Archive listings for BYTe

¤ = Appears in main show/event details, e.g. Author
§ = Appears in production, tour or version details, e.g. Performer

Your search matched 7 entries
Byte Films
BYTE Youth Theatre
Byteback Theatre
Soundbyte Jazz

          Matching links for BYTe

          BYTE - Biddulph Youth Theatre Exerience
          BYTE was established in early 2007, and since it's inception has: accumulated two nationally recognised awards for its contributions to the youth sector of the arts; over 60 registered members; 12 committee members; produced five shows; turned on the towns Christmas lights; and best of all, survived a long ride. Already 2009 is seeing big changes for BYTE and their latest outing will be "The Ghosts of Marvin Grange" a show that will be performed during the Biddulph Festival
          The Lovebytes Digital Arts Festival is an eclectic mix of exhibitions, events and specially commissioned new art works which explore the creative and cultural potential of digital media and communications. This biennial event provides an important platform for both newcomers and established artists involving a number of venues and organisations in Yorkshire with links to venues around the UK and Europe.

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