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VenueThe Hen and Chickens Theatre
TownInner London
CountyGreater London
From28th April 2015
To2nd May 2015
WhenTue-Fri 19:00. Sat 15:00, 19:00
What is currently on at The Hen and Chickens Theatre (V234)

Lessons to Dissect a Heart

Lessons to Dissect a HeartT0137328884
Welcome to an emotional rollercoaster... love is like a heart transplant. First you need to find the right donor, pass some test to make sure your body is ready to go through the tough procedure, take the right medication, get an operation and make sure that there's no rejection. Based on different real relationships, this is a story about people trying to learn their lessons about love, but struggling to find the right companions. They do believe they can, they do believe they have found them. The questions are: is love going to be enough for them? Can love save them or is love going to kill them? Are they ready to undergo the physical and emotional impact. Lessons to Dissect a Heart intends to be a manual about love from a scientific and biological point of view, showing the characters as specimens studied by a crazy doctor and presented as a lecture for the students (audience). For 90 minutes you will be travelling with Eva, the protagonist, through different cities while she tries to discover whether she should follow her heart or her dreams.
Author Jess G Campos

Archive :: production:T0137328884, play:S851696919, venue:V234


No UKTW or User reviews available.


Company Pathos Theatre
CORONAVIRUS: All UK venues closed on 16th March 2020, restrictions were lifted on 19th July 2021. Please note that iUKTDb archive listings between March 2020 and July 2021 may not be accurate as we did not receive details of all rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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