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VenueOFS Studio (previously known as Old Fire Station Theatre)
From26th March 2016
To26th March 2016
What is currently on at OFS Studio (previously known as Old Fire Station Theatre) (V800)

Iron M.A.M

Iron M.A.MT1197892182
"I am a predator. I am a reaper. I am an avenger. I will end your world with the push of a button." Caught somewhere between a TED talk and a coming of age action thriller, this solo, autobiographical theatre performance explores the un-discussed world of drone warfare, and why the Iron Man films might just be the perfect metaphor. In 2013, Iron Man 3 became the fifth highest grossing movie of all time, most popular with 18-29 year olds. This is the same demographic the UK government defines as military aged: the pilots and targets in actual drone warfare. Owl is military aged, but he's also a geek. He's not a soldier, but he does play a lot of video games, and that's got him thinking. As he looks back over his childhood, examining the links between masculinity, technology and warfare, he finds himself unable to avoid answering the question: Would he use a drone? Between playing with action figures and wirelessly commanding the show via his PlayStation controller, Owl condenses a year of research into an hour of engaging performance that combines the fictional and factual, and takes a close look at remote killing.

Archive :: production:T1197892182, one person show:S0536678967, venue:V800


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CORONAVIRUS: All UK venues closed on 16th March 2020, restrictions were lifted on 19th July 2021. Please note that iUKTDb archive listings between March 2020 and July 2021 may not be accurate as we did not receive details of all rescheduled and cancelled shows.

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