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Archive listings for Philbeach Society

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Philbeach Society

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                      Philbeach Society
                      The Society started more than 40 years ago and is based in Westminster. It usually stages two main musical events per year. Rehersals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 - 10pm in the Maida Vale area of London.Joining Philbeach could eventually see you perform off Broadway! That's because the Society has a strong connection with the Village Light Opera Group of New York and for the past 20 years has put ona joint production with them every five years. So why not join our friendly, lively group.
                      The Philbeach Society
                      The Philbeach Society started more than 40 years ago and is based in Westminster. It usually stages two main musical events per year. Rehersals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 - 10pm in the Maida Vale area of London.Joining Philbeach could eventually see you perform off Broadway! That's because the Society has a strong connection with the Village Light Opera Group of New York and for the past 20 years has put ona joint production with them every five years. So why not join our friendly, lively group.

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