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Elvis Costello - The Revolver Tour

Tour synopsis, cast & creatives

Elvis Costello - The Revolver Tour
An overture of five uninterrupted rock and roll tunes announces Elvis Costello and the Imposters to the stage, after which members of the audience are invited to spin the gigantic vaudevillian contraption and select the next song. Elvis Costello - The Revolver Tour website.


Elvis Costello, Steve Nieve (keyboards), Pete Thomas (drums), Davey Faragher (bass)

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Production details for Elvis Costello - The Revolver Tour

This production is on at one venue in . This production has been listed in 11 venues since 11th May 2012. View previous listings for this tour here.This tour of Elvis Costello - The Revolver Tour appears to have ended.


, QTix Codes:
Production: T1607033846

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